School Excursions Australia

Healesville Sanctuary

A school visit to Healesville Sanctuary provides opportunities for your students to connect with animals, build their understandings around real life conservation issues, and be empowered to take action to help save wildlife.

Students will be immersed in native Australian bushland celebrating the traditional owners of the land, the Wurundjeri people, and aboriginal culture. They can learn about our important endangered species breeding programs, including the Mountain Pygmy-possum, Southern Corroboree Frog and Helmeted Honeyeater and meet experts in action as they work to save these species from extinction.

Combined with elements of inquiry based learning, integrated curriculum and values education, our learning programs offer best practice in student engagement and link strongly to outcomes from VEYLDF, AusVELS, and VCE study designs.

Bookings Are Open Now for 2025 and 2026!
Book and Plan your Excursion In Advance