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A step-by-Step guide to Planning an International School Tour

Planning an international student tour involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure a smooth and enriching experience for the participants. Students get the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures, traditions, and languages. Overall, international school trips offer a unique educational experience that goes beyond the confines of the classroom, shaping students into well-rounded individuals with a broader perspective on the world. If you are considering presenting the idea of an international trip to your school, we have prepared a step-by-step guide to help you draft a plan for your next international tour:

1. Define the Purpose and Goals:
Clearly define the purpose and goals of the international tour. Are you focusing on language immersion, cultural exchange, or a combination of both?

2. Identify your Cohorts Needs:
What year or age group are you planning on taking, this factor alone will determine the age-appropriate inclusions and possibly even destination suitability. What are your student’s language proficiency levels or even teachers’ ability to communicate with locals if you don’t have a guide. Lastly, consider your specific interests or destination highlights – programs that need to be included and attractions that may fall into the wish list category.

3. Choose a Destination:
Select a destination that aligns with the language being studied and one that offers a rich cultural experience. Consider factors such as safety, accessibility, and the availability of language programs. This is where a specialist school travel agency really adds value. Agencies have well established, reputable local connections that can advise you on suitable programs, hotels, local attractions and ensure your time is well spent and that students gain maximum value from the experience.

4. Establish a Budget:
Create a detailed budget that includes travel expenses, accommodation, meals, transportation within the destination, language courses, cultural activities, and contingency funds. Ensure that the budget is realistic and covers all essential aspects of the tour and don’t forget there are often additional costs  not included in your quote such as passports, visas, items of a personal nature etc to factor in. Away We Go Tours works with all budgets and will create an itinerary that matches your budget as best as possible without compromising on the educational value. Flights will make up a considerable portion of the overall costs and if possible, our top tip is to always book 11 months in advance (as the flights become available) to ensure you receive the most affordable flight quotes.

5. Select Dates and Duration:
Discuss dates with your travel agent, there will be a few factors to consider such as school calendar events, destination weather conditions, best time of year to travel and any cultural events or festivals in the destination. You may not want to avoid these local events but plan to experience them to add further value to the overall experience.

6. Think About the Inclusions:
If you are considering a language program Identify reputable language schools or perhaps you have a sister school, you would like to partner with. Consider factors such as accreditation, teaching methods, class size, and the inclusion of cultural activities. Seeing different parts of the world firsthand helps students develop a broader perspective on global issues such as poverty, environmental challenges, and cultural conflicts. It encourages them to become global citizens who are aware of and engaged with the world beyond their immediate surroundings. The idea is to include a diverse range of cultural activities, excursions, and sightseeing tours that highlight the local culture, language and landscape that may be unique to that destination.

7. Expression of Interest
Sending out a EOI early helps organisers determine how many students are interested in participating in the trip. This information is crucial for planning purposes, such as arranging transportation, accommodations, activities and will help in budget planning. In general, an EOI also serve as the initial step in obtaining consent from parents or guardians, as they provide an opportunity for parents to indicate whether they would allow their child to participate. Don’t be shy to set a deadline for this information it encourages students to respond promptly and ensures that decisions can be made in a timely manner.

What AWGT can Offer

Away We Go Tours will be your dedicated partner from the moment you reach out to us for a quote until you return home. With us, you’ll have a single point of contact throughout the entire trip, ensuring seamless communication and that your school’s specific needs are prioritised every step of the way. We meticulously select accommodations that are safe, comfortable, and conveniently located, taking the hassle out of finding suitable places to stay. Our team handles all transportation logistics, including flights, ground transportation at your destination, and any necessary transfers, ensuring convenience whilst always complying with safety standards. We take care of all program and attraction bookings, with a primary focus on the health and safety of participants. We provide detailed information on travel insurance, medical facilities, emergency contacts, visa requirements and any health precautions relevant to your destination. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive itinerary and address all pre-departure requirements, ensuring that the experience is enjoyable for both students and accompanying teachers.

Travelling internationally not only offers students academic enrichment opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of subjects such as history, geography, and social studies through immersive experiences, traveling as a peer group fosters strong bonds among students and between students and teachers. Shared experiences, challenges, and adventures create lasting memories and friendships.

If you need help or would just like to explore some of the options for your school, reach out to our team, we have experienced international destinations specialists who have created some amazing itineraries that they would love to share with you.

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